Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In the realm of orchid huntings there's always a greatest prize we're all put our efforts at. Searching carefully every trunks of trees while cautiously step ( for not to stomp on a jewel orchid!) we just crave onto finding something so special. We will never could guess what is the prize to bring back and that can be just another bloody bruises or the arching pain as the only things we would bring back home. A hunter may look for something that he already had and he only come back to find some more of it in the same area. Another hunter would prefer to venture another place and he must pray to The Most Merciful to find some bounty so that he can cherish for it, for the rest of his life.

Another new species added to the collection is usually suffice enough for me to collect my trophy for the day. I love to have new species but to get something i never imagine is really something out of my mind (in my wildest dream - yes!)

This species, is the one i'm talking about. Found on a palm oil tree, it grew downward with one brach after another. Its growing pattern is somehow different for a dendrobium but all the stem and leaves seemingly to suggest it is one. Perhaps it is an Eria sp but it lack of flower bracks and the root pattern suggested it is unlikely to be an Eria sp. Recently it bloom in my yard, and i just so amazed by the flower. It also put me in another surprise when the flower last more than 3 weeks!..